En gros, le patch corrige des bugs et fait quelques ajustement de gameplay, mais si vous souhaitez connaitre la liste complète des changements, lisez la suite de la nouvelle.
+Made player heal before Blood Hunt and repaired bad CD quest update.
+Added Heather remembrance lines and fixed Gary poster quest issues.
+Made Isaac recognize the Tzimisce defeat for non-Toreador clans too.
+Added ring and watch to pawnshop and fixed two Copper log problems.
+Made damage by fire more consistent for Andrei and Sheriff warforms.
+Fixed quest log updates for Ash, Romero and Heather on their death.
Fitted Cathayan report dates to morgue pc dates and fixed bum quest.
Corrected Milligan not leaving cutscene and improved anti-cheating.
Fixed beastform model and added slash sound to Heather's last scene.
Corrected Gimble and Nines Obfuscate issues and minor text details.
Fixed minor dialogue problems of Heather, Knox, Skelter and Beckett.
Added subtitles for cutscenes and conversations, thanks to Voerman.
Restored some Ocean House and beachhouse lines and Chunk-Asylum fix.
Corrected basic healing rate and added one sound to Muddy cutscene.
Removed xp for Romero loving after zombie quest but made him return.
Fixed Vandal endgame freeze and wrong door sound at the Ramen shop.
Made Chastity not biteable and fixed Sin Bin handle and area change.
Swapped Igor's .38 with GLOCK 19 and gave more hit points to Larry.
Replaced money in Kamikaze Zen safe by name plate to fix xp problem.
Exchanged Brawl and Finance book locations inside the Empire hotel.
Swapped dancers between clubs to avoid too many similar ones nearby.
Gave GLOCKs to hunters in Ash sewers to fit gun shown on the model.
Restored the uncensored US decapitation cutscene, thanks to Keleigh.