
Le patch 3355 pour Unreal Tournament 2004 vient d'être distribué par Epic Games sur le web.
Le patch corrige de nombreux bugs, ajoute quelques petits trucs, et réduit le temps de chargement (surtout pour les parties sur Internet).

Le patch Windows est disponible sur notre serveur. Quant au patch Mac & Linux, il se trouve ici.

Voici le changelog complet :

General Gameplay:
- Fixed stuttering/snagging/sinking into static meshes in some places on clients in net games
- Improved getting out of water
- Fixed FaceClassic teleporter exploit
- The Cicada hud indicators should now show up in all game modes.
- Fixed SPMA causing damage at world origin.
- Fixed not being able to exit raptor when it's on the ground
- Fixed (for assault) the energy core always showing on the HUD even if it not the current objective (thanks AngelMapper)

- Server performance improvements
- Cheating detection improvements, with shorter time for master server ban detection
- Integration of UTAN bans with UT2004 master server. Admins can opt out by adding bIgnoreUTANBans=true to [IpDrv.MasterServerUplink]
- Fixed potential garbage collection crash when changing levels during network games
- Improved caching of server data for when you can't connect to the master server.
- UTV updated (netspeed fix).
- Better Client->Server->MS Error Messages

Demo Recording:
- Added code to insure StopDemo is executed before a map change or game exit
- Remove 8x from the demo playback menu. The engine has problems with that speed.
- Fixed bug in Demo Playback menu that caused the Play/Pause button to be out of sync
- Added Demo playback jog keys to the console.
- Left Cursor slows down playback (1/4x -> 1/2x)
- Right cursor speeds ups playback (2x -> 4x)
- Up/Down cursor resets to 1x
- Disable by settings bDemoJogKeys=false in [XInterface.ExtendedConsole]

- Improved level loading speed, especially on network clients
- Fixed calling SetBase(NULL) on all attached actors when an actor is destroyed

- Fix for importing static meshes

- Model select page now properly selects the current character when you open it.
- Korean localization updates.
- VCTF now appears in server browser, even if you don't already have any VCTF maps installed.
- Added code to sync the Stream (MP3) volume with normal music volume
par Bibi Commenter
Partager | Source : ZeDen

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