
Une vidéo sur Deus Ex: Invisible War est disponible ici.
In DX2 players create a compelling alter ego through the selection of futuristic nano-tech augmentations, powerful weapons and hundreds of useful objects. As in the revolutionary Deus Ex game, character choices, weapons and object use work in combination with a richly interactive world to give players freedom to solve game problems the way they want to, rather than the way the designers want them to. Gamers can fight, sneak, talk or hack your way past any problem encountered and every situation can be dealt with in a variety of ways.
That freedom to choose a play style set Deus Ex apart from other games and DX2 takes the idea further - a deeper simulation than ever before offers players even more control over the action. DX2 features a more powerful physics system, startlingly believable AI, dramatically enhanced character modeling and animation, a groundbreaking sound propagation system and state-of-the art lighting and graphics. The game systems contribute materially to gameplay, minute-to-minute, mission-to-mission, and beginning to end.
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