
La nouvelle version (1.3.6) de la bêta du jeu Purge Online vient de sortir. La liste des changements est disponible en page de commentaires.
par BalSagoth 1 commentaire par



(#0) 10 février 2003 à 12h44
Engine & Tech] <br />
- Fixed gaining negative XP for assists. <br />
- Fixed projectiles occasionally giving negative assists. <br />
- Barriers, Generators, and other constructions has less lag. <br />
- Fixed spawning with Portal HP and Reinforcements reporting 0. <br />
- Better forced respawn code. <br />
- Respawn invulnerbility works better. <br />
- Radar is now color coded and recognizes opponents <br />
<br />
[Map] <br />
- None <br />
<br />
[Battle Modes] <br />
- Fixed "Persistance" negative XP bug. <br />
- Fixed "Special Forces" and "Persistance" bug not giving proper weapons. <br />
<br />
[Effects] <br />
- New more translucent explosions and smoke. <br />
- Firing sound effects have more range. <br />
<br />
[DETAILS] <br />
- Agility run speed reverts to the math used in the Purge closed beta. <br />
<br />
[General Weapons] <br />
- None <br />
<br />
[Android] <br />
- Repair/Demolish skill will pierce any Armor Class bonus on Wards. <br />
- Ion Barriers can now hurt Wards. <br />
- Ion Barriers HP decreased by 33%. <br />
- Ion Barriers regeneration time increased by 33%. <br />
<br />
[Mage] <br />
- Mend/Break skill will pierce any Armor Class bonus on Ion Barriers.. <br />
- Wards can now hurt Ion Barriers. <br />
- Wards HP decreased by 33%. <br />
- Wards regeneration time increased by 33%. <br />
<br />
[Cyborg] <br />
- SureShot (self) and SureShot Rune gives 20 instead of 30 seconds of buff at 100% skil.l <br />
- Homing "lock-on" works better. <br />
<br />
[Fighter] <br />
- lowered Phoenix Axe penetration from 30 to 25. <br />
- Hyper (self) and Hyper Rune gives 20 instead of 30 seconds of buff at 100% skill. <br />
- Defender's shield no longer deflects fall damage. <br />
- Homing "lock-on" works better. <br />
<br />
[Wastelander] <br />
- Nuke skill will pierce any Armor Class bonus on Wards. <br />
- Angelfire through walls do 20% damage to constructions and 1% to players. <br />
- Nuke now shows up on the radar. <br />
<br />
[Monk] <br />
- Angelfire skill will pierce any Armor Class bonus on Ion Barriers. <br />
- Angelfire through walls do 20% damage to constructions and 1% to players. <br />
- EnergyKenesis slowed down to reflect new Agility rules. <br />
- Angelfire now shows up on the radar. <br />
<br />
[UI] <br />
- Lag icon works better. <br />
<br />
Known Bugs <br />
<br />
This is a beta, not a demo. There are bugs. Most notably, is the "Persistance" Battle Mode. Please do not run a "Persistance" dedicated server unless you are around to monitor and reset it. It has been reported to stall and crash. <br />
<br />
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.