
Infinity Ward vient de sortir un nouveau patch pour la version PC de Call of Duty : Ghosts, quelques jours après avoir résolu les problèmes de Ram (abaissant le minimum requis de 6 à 4 Go). Cette nouvelle rustine améliore le nombre d'images par secondes, et notamment les performances sur les cartes graphiques AMD. On notera également tout une partie des corrections liées à la stabilité du titre et enfin la correction de nombreux bugs, notamment au niveau des spawn.


Improved framerate performance when traversing moving platforms.
Improved latency for AMD graphics cards.
Improved performance issues caused by spamming.
Improved shader warming and level load performance.


Fixed crash in CODeSports play.
Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes.
Improved usability of broadcaster HUD.
Additional animations added for broadcaster mode.
Improved steam friends functionality.
Fixed smoke flickering and graphical corruption within blurred area of dual render scope.
Re-enabled fur and smoke DLLs from nVidia.

Additional Fixes

Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues.
Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen.
Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby.
Fixed dog's extended kill not showing properly in final killcam.
Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn't equipped.
Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state.
Fixed issue when selecting store from squads.
Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode.
Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped.
par utr_dragon Commenter


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