
Qui l'eut cru ! Chivalry : Medieval Warfare, le FPS médiéval s'est écoulé à 1,2 millions d'exemplaires en neuf mois (dont 450 000 rien qu'aux États-Unis ; et plus de 60 000 en France). Une success-story pour cet ancien mod pour Half-Life 2 devenu jeu à part entière qui a su pleinement trouver son public dans un univers des FPS très concurrentiel.

Pour l'occasion, les développeurs ont annoncé une nouvelle mise à jour du titre ajoutant des options de personnalisation (on pourra changer notamment les éléments d'armure et les couleurs). Cette mise à jour intègre également tout un tas de changements et corrections qui sont détaillés dans la suite de la nouvelle.
* Server browser fixes!(Tabs works better, favorites work better, browser now uses the Steamworks library optimally and is less likely to make your router cry, etc) * Tavern map length reduced to 10 minutes. * Stamina drain from successfully parrying attacks slightly reduced. * Vanguard primary weapon knockback values toned down. * Two-hander flinch duration down from 1.1 to 1.0. * Special daze duration down from 2 to 1.8. * Crossbow projectile speeds are lower, and the difference between light and heavy crossbow is less drastic. * Corrected Bardiche sprint attack being .15 faster than other sprint attacks. * Flail overhead windup from .55 to .5. * Heavy Flail overhead windup from .6 to .55. * Spear slash windup from .425 to .475. * Spear stab windup from .575 to .6. * Brandistock slash windup from .45 to .5. * Brandistock stab windup from .55 to .6. * Fixed the attack grunt sound sometimes desyncing and playing after a late feint server-side. * Fixed several map exploits. * Fixed flinch disabling dodge if it occurs in an attack windup. * Fixed counterattacks maintaining a parry box and blocking attacks during your counter. * Fixed movement slow persisting after canceling a bow draw. * Fixed crossbow forced reload after being hit. * Fixed rebinding primary attack breaking the scoreboard keybind. * Fixed some broken assets on various maps (missing collision/textures/etc.) * Fixed missing Norse Sword icon and Falchion model in weapon select. * Fixed the furthest target in the archer tutorial being unhittable. * Fixed peasants spawning with weapons * Fixed peasant death animations * Fixed peasant hats turning into helmets when shot off with arrows * Fixed objective labels (Mason messages were being display for Agatha objectives)
par utr_dragon Commenter


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