
On vous en parlait ce weekend, c'est désormais effectif, Techland vient de sortir un patch pour la version PC de Call of Juarez : Gunslinger permettant de régler le FOV du jeu (il faudra passer par le fichier video.scr, toutes les explications dans les forums Steam). Le patch corrige également d'autres problèmes mineurs et ajoute des options de personnalisation (notamment la sensibilité de la souris pendant les duels).

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.


hit indicator is now disabled in True West difficulty mode
new option to disable crosshair regardless of the difficulty mode
new option to adjust mouse sensitivity on duels
new settings available in video.scr file
additional checks before posting scores to the leaderboards
additional credits


fixed problems with audio on 7.1 output configurations
fixed crashes related to using 7.1 audio configurations
fixed potential crash when using long Steam nicknames with non-latin characters
leaderboards now correctly display nicks with non-latin characters
patched up heavy stuttering when using certain keyboard and mouse models
workaround for blocks when booting the game on systems that have problems with video playback
tweaked enemy behavior on duels to avoid duels with no conclusion
fixed HUD gadget in Arcade mode sometimes not displaying "versus" friend's name
fixed navigation and centering in My Score and Friends leaderboards
tweaks and fixes in the Japanese localization

par utr_dragon Commenter


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