
Comme prévu, VALVe a diffusé le Survival Pack pour la version PC de Left 4 Dead. Il apporte le mode « Survival », composé de 16 cartes et ajoutant sept succès supplémentaires, ainsi que les campagnes Dead Air et Death Toll jouables en mode Versus. Divers bugs ont par la même occasion été corrigés.

Survival Mode
  • New gameplay Mode
  • 16 maps including Last Stand
  • Leaderboards
  • 7 new achievements

Versus Changes
  • 2 new versus campaigns
  • Fixed a case where versus team score would continue to be recalculated after the score panel was displayed
  • Fixed an issue with recalculating the versus score health bonus for a player when they are rescued from being incapacitated
  • Fixed being able to start a swing as an infected, then teleport to the survivors and have the claw swing hit a survivor
  • Fixed a case where teleporting to the survivors would not reset the ability timer
  • Fixed an exploit where you could load the chamber of a weapon with bullets by holding down the melee key
  • Fixed a case where it was not possible to join a game while it was in a finale
  • Fixed a rare case where listen servers would speed up the game over time
  • Removed convars related to melee fatigue
  • Fixed a case where infected players would get a respawn time on their initial spawn into a map

Server Changes
  • Made ms_force_dedicated_server not require cheats
  • Add a message when queuing a heartbeat
  • Simplified setting of game mode
  • Removed convars director_no_human_zombies and director_holdout_mode
  • Added mp_gamemode [coop,versus,survival]

  • Added lobby join and leave messages
par Roms6 2 commentaires, dernier par utr_dragon



(#1) 22 août 2009 à 12h43
survival mode & versus mode sont disponibles s'il vous plait?
Pour left 4 dead.

Rédacteur en Chef/Dieu
Nb msg : 2503
(#2) 22 août 2009 à 13h19
Oui, ils sont disponibles.
No comment !
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