
Nous avions un peu zappé la nouvelle, mais cela fait déjà deux jours que le mode Arena pour Sin Episodes Emergence est disponible au téléchargement.

Le mode Arena est en fait tout bête, il contient 4 nouvelles cartes, dans lesquels le joueur doit tenter de survivre le plus longtemps face à des vagues d'ennemis de plus en plus forts. C'est identique au mode invasion d'Unreal Tournament sauf qu'ici il n'y à que 4 cartes et 3 armes...
Ce patch, qui corrige en plus quelques bugs mineurs, sera effectif la prochaine fois que vous redémarrerez Steam.

Le changelog complet (en anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.

iN Episodes Update Relased - Arena Mode Available Now! (June.26.2006)
A new update for SiN Episodes: Emergence is now available and includes, among other things, the long-awaited Arena Mode add-on! If you've never heard of Arena Mode, here's what it's all about:

Arena Mode is an all new competitive single player experience where you face off against an onslaught of SinTEK foes. The longer you survive, the higher your score, but this is no ordinary challenge. Every moment you’re in the game, the Personal Challenge System continues to shift the difficulty, keeping the pressure on. This makes Arena Mode an infinitely repayable single player mode where you continually try and beat your high score.

On top of that, Arena Mode also allows you to record demos of your finest moments that you can share with your friends. We are also working on getting a statistics website up soon, so you can see how you stack up compared to the rest of the world.

The patch also contains these fixes and additions:

* Added Arena Mode
* Added 4 Arena Mode Maps (Highrise Lobby, The Office, Turbine, U4 Processing Station)
* Exposed some additional statistics from the Personal Challenge System
* Updated manual with additional troubleshooting information, Arena Mode documentation
* Minor asset rearrangement required for upcoming SDK release
* Fixed issue where "Pipes & Crates, Inc." phone message would not play
* Fixed visual issue with Elexis hologram on some DirectX 7 cards
* Fixed issue where security bots could not be damaged from certain locations in Highrise
* Fixed some closed captions
* Fixed minor issues with U4 Lab 02
* Miscellaneous bug fixes

You can download the update by restarting your Steam clients.
par utr_dragon Commenter
Partager | Source : GameSpot

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