
La nouvelle version 1.01 du mod Kanonball pour Half-Life est disponible. A ne télécharger seulement si vous possèder un serveur du jeu (289 Ko).
- Fixed the server crash.
- Lowered the Spectator queue on the spwning grid (the thing you all get stuck in when trying to choose a team/class/spawn) time. Players now have 9 seconds to choose before the opporunity is up and the next player in the queue gets their chance.
- Removed the ball up delay at the beginning of game to smooth out game play.
- Fixed the crash where the timelimit would go to 0 and the map wouldn't change and if you joined you couldn't play.
- Made the Kanonball move more accurate.
- Made pass slightly more powerful.
- Air tackle now works.
- Players no longer hit invisible entities at spawn points.
- Removed some uneccessary server operations that caused lag.
par BalSagoth Commenter
Partager | Source : Blue's News

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