
Team Fortress, le mod basé sur le moteur de Quake est sorti en 1996, il y a maintenant 15 ans. Pour fêter cela, Valve Software a fait une nouvelle mise à jour pour Team Fortress 2.
Celle-ci propose un chapeau et un noisemaker gratuit ainsi que quelques petites modifications visuelles in-game.

A free party hat!
A free noisemaker that will have unlimited uses on Team Fortress’s birthday and can only be used each year on that day!
Free cake and gifts (in the form of remodeled health kits and ammo packs)!

You’ll also see the return of the best stuff from previous TF birthday celebrations, including:

The Team Fortress Birthday Beach Ball!
The Celebration Gib, which causes gibbed players to explode in a shower of balloons and confetti!

par Daenerys Commenter


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