
teamfortress2_010.jpgValve Software vient de sortir un nouveau patch pour Team Fortress 2. Ce dernier ajoute plein de chapeaux, que vous ne pourrez porter que si vous les ramassez. Au niveau des autres changements comme la correction du bug qui permettait aux snipers de tirer à travers les portes ou ecore celui qui faisait exploser les stickies avant qu'elles ne soient collées. Attention aussi, la carte CP_Gorge a été sacrément modifiée, il va falloir la jouer une ou deux fois pour reprendre ses marques.

Comme d'habitude avec Steam, le correctif sera effectif lors du prochain démarrage du client.

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Team Fortress 2

* Added 3 new hats that can be worn by any class
o Towering Pillar of Hats"
o Noble Amassment of Hats"
o Modest Pile of Hat"
* Added Propaganda contest winners' hats for First Place, First Runner-up, and Second Runner-up
* Added "Edit Loadout" button to the class menu
* Changed the main menu background to randomly use the Red, Blue, and Soldier/Demo background images
* Fixed Snipers being able to shoot enemies through gates
* Fixed Linux servers not properly reconnecting to Steam when they lose their connection
* Fixed stickies being destructible before they're stuck to something
* Fixed the return progress bar above a dropped flag not animating if the return time on the flag is less than 30 seconds
* Fixed the CTF HUD not properly handling flags being disabled/enabled during the round
* Fixed player health panels sometimes using the wrong animations for buffed or low health values
* Updated the net_showevents convar to be marked as a cheat
* Updated the main menu news buttons to direct players to the most recent TF2 update and the TF2 blog
* Updated Italian localization strings
* Updated the custom TF2 fonts with Polish characters
* Updated CP_Gorge
o Added more cover outside of the initial BLU spawn area
o Added a forward spawn for the BLU team after Cap1 is captured
o Added another access point to the upper level from the front of the RED base
o Added more cover in the room just before Cap2
o Decreased RED team's respawn time while they own Cap1
o Fixed a few areas where players would sometimes become stuck

Community requests

* Added new options for the Invade CTF game mode flag. Default is 1
o 0 : No neutral time
o 1 : Flag goes neutral in 30 seconds (current behavior)
o 2 : Flag goes neutral in 1/2 the return time
* Added scoring choice for the Invade CTF game mode. Default is 0
o 0 : Increment score (current behavior)
o 1 : Increment capture count
* Added new inputs to item_teamflag
o ForceDrop : Force the flag to be dropped if it's being carried by a player
o ForceReset : Force the flag to be dropped if it's being carried by a player, then reset the flag to its original location
o SetReturnTime : Set the length of time (in seconds) before a dropped flag returns to base
* Added new output to item_teamflag
o OnTouchSameTeam : Sent when the flag is touched by a player on the same team
par utr_dragon 1 commentaire par MAFF_31



Nb msg : 8
(#1) 28 janvier 2010 à 16h32
je vais me refaire une petite partie pour voir ces changements !
Battlefield Bad Company 2 ==> 4/03/10
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.