
teamfortress2_007.jpgValve Software vient de sortir un nouveau patch pour Team Fortress 2. La mise à jour modifie sensiblement le gameplay. Fini le temps où les soldiers embrasés par les pyros pouvaient se suicider pour éviter de leur donner un frag, puisque les suicides donnent maintenant un frag au dernier ennemi qui vous a touché. Les grenades, roquettes et lances-flammes ne peuvent plus tirer à travers les grilles avant que le round ne commence. Enfin, dernière modification qui va faire crier les Pyros (désolé Hubert), mais l'utilisation d'un Backburner ne donnera plus de bonus de santé.

Comme d'habitude avec Steam, le patch sera effectif la prochaine fois que vous redémarrerez le client.

* Fixed team switches on Attack/Defense maps spamming the console
* Fixed the Kritzkrieg not working on servers with crits turned off
* Fixed some clipped localized strings in various in-game dialogs
* Fixed several cases where files were synchronously loaded while the game was running
* Fixed a shutdown crash in the material system
* Cached rendering of item model panels to improve performance, in particular while weapon selection was visible
* Added a gear symbol behind the health bar for Engineer buildings, in both target IDs and freeze panels
* Players killing themselves will now give a kill credit to the last enemy who damaged them
* Fixed grenades, rockets, and flamethrower being able to fire through grates at round starts
* Fixed players being killed and creating ragdolls during team switches
* Fixed various exploits and performance problems in CP_Badlands, CP_Well, and CP_Fastlane
* Removed health bonus from the Backburner
par utr_dragon Commenter
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