Chose encore plus intéressante, d'après les tests effectués, le jeu semblait largement plus instable sur les machines équipées de cartes graphiques AMD/ATI, même en haut de gamme.
The only thing marring AMD's performance gains in this game is instability. During the course of testing, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 crashed frequently when we had an AMD video card installed. It sometimes crashed when we attempted to change a video setting in-game; it crashed when we tried to exit a mission to the main menu; and it sometimes even crashed a matter of seconds after we double-clicked the Rainbow Six Vegas 2 icon on our testing system's desktop. And yet, we experienced none of these crashed when using NVIDIA's hardware.
Yet, in spite of AMD's performance gains in this game, the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT gave us the highest performance in the mainstream realm, while the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GX2 was the master of our high-end testing.
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