Cette rustine peut se télécharger (26.67 Mo) sur l'un des miroirs suivants:
Le changelog complet (anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
-Fixed preview picture of character model showing all of the models at the same time
-Fixed multiplayer issue when switching Surge gun with another weapon
-Fixed grid-like artifacts when Distortion Effects and DOF set to On at 1920x1080 resolution
-Fixed multiplayer issue where player can be inside the cargo containers
-Fixed a multiplayer bug that allows infinite grenades
-Fixed clipping issue in the sentry room on level 1
-Fixed a crash after quick load on level 2
-Fixed a maphole in multiplayer Map 13
-Fixed Time Shield distortion effect
-Improved multiplayer performance
-Fixed some localization strings
-Fixed ZF2 nonprogression at start position
-Fixed King of Time incorrect timer bug
-Fixed some UI issues
-Fixed memory leaks
-Fixed multiplayer issue where last player goes to spectator when failed to join full server
-Fixes and improvements to network driver
-Fixed alt-tab crash in multiplayer
-Visual improvements to the grass
-Fixed video setting issue