
La version 0.1c du mod Galactic Conquest pour BF1942 est disponible. Ce mod basé sur le thème de Star Wars est compatible avec la version 1.45 de BF1942.

Pour le moment aucun miroirs n'est disponible, je vous tiens au courant.
removed unnecessary artillery target icons from several player-controlled objects
standardized, improved, and added new minimap icons
tidied up the weapon/ammo icons and indicators
allows GCMOD to work with BF 1.45 patch
jerky handling of lower Millenium Falcon turret fixed
fixed the positioning of the in-seat player models of the Millenium Falcon pilot and door operator
fixed Bacta Tank not working as a player-controlled object in multiplayer games
fixed sound bugs when both fro.....
par BalSagoth Commenter
Partager | Source : Blue's News

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