
De nouvelles images de Natural Selection 2.0 sont disponibles chez WorthPlaying.
NS 2.0 is a significant step forward in the process of merging first person shooters with real-time strategy into a combination of truly atmospheric and social gaming. With huge improvements over the previous gameplay of 1.04, plus plenty of all new features, levels, animations, sounds, and artwork, Natural Selection 2.0 stands ready to turn online gaming back on its ear just like its first release last October. Nearly every aspect of the game has been revisited and reworked from feedback from hundreds of the top NS veterans and thousands of games played on public and private servers around the globe. Read more to check out some nifty screens ...
par BalSagoth 2 commentaires, dernier par
Partager | Source : WorthPlaying



(#0) 31 juillet 2003 à 06h10
Quoi y respousse HL2

hummm bin jva vous dire moi : la perfection n'existe pas

so sorter les les putain de jeux !!!


(#0) 31 juillet 2003 à 08h47
t'as surement du te tromper de nouvelle
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