
Valve Software vient de sortir dans Steam un nouveau patch pour Portal 2. Ce dernier corrige un bon paquet de bugs, assez mineurs, sur PC et Mac. On retiendra que le bug qui se produisait dans la version française du jeu, avec des sous-titre qui ne collaient pas aux dialogues, a été corrigé.

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Portal 2

* Fixed: Occasional crash after Alt-Tab/minimizing or running in a window on certain graphics hardware.
* Fixed: Crashes and/or graphical glitches after changing video settings without exiting game
* Fixed: Player stuck at the beginning of Chapter 6
* Fixed: Crash attempting to use other weapons (e.g. mods) with Portal 2
* Fixed: Mouse cursor doesn’t highlight UI elements in game on Mac OSX
* Fixed: Numerous localization bugs and improvements (also added Czech and Turkish localized text)
* Fixed: Overflow bug in keyvalues
* Fixed: Voice functionality regression (voice again enabled by default)
* Fixed: Joystick now defaults to off in order to avoid issues with non-joystick hardware that registers itself as a joystick
* Fixed: French sentences are not wrapping correctly in subtitles and commentary
* Improved: Handling of Mac OSX crashes
* Improved: Updates and bug fixes to Robot Enrichment
* Improved: Reliability on unsupported Intel Mobile Series 4 Express chipsets
* Removed: Unsupported console commands (“retry”, “switch_teams”) that caused problems if used
par utr_dragon Commenter


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