
On était un peu passés à côté hier, mais Hudson Entertainment a annoncé le développement de Onslaught, le premier FPS à sortir sur le Wiiware. Le jeu devrait sortir cet automne et promet un mode Coop à 4 joueurs. Pour le reste, il n'y à rien à sauver, jugez-en vous-même avec les images ci-dessous.

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Le communiqué complet se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Spring 2009 Completion of Onslaught Gives Core Gamers What They've Demanded
San Mateo, CA – Feb. 5, 2009 – Wii™ console owners will soon be challenged to survive massive amounts of creepy crawlers in Onslaught, the first ever first person shooter (FPS) for WiiWare™, which is set to be published by Hudson Entertainment, the North American publishing arm of HUDSON SOFT. In Onslaught, players will take on hordes of insect cyborgs to save a distant research colony. Development will be complete this spring and has been rated T for Teen by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).

“It’s clear that core gamers feel that there’s a void in games that cater to them on Wii,” said Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment. “With Onslaught, we’re aiming to fill that void and give gamers the option of an affordable, accessible, first person shooter experience on the Wii – something that hasn’t been done before.”

In Onslaught, players are sent on a mission to find the reason contact with a distant research colony was lost. Upon arrival, they find themselves attacked by an overwhelming horde of giant bugs. Players use the Nunchuk™ and Wii Remote™ to aim, shoot, reload and toss grenades at the creatures in order to survive. As the bugs get bigger, so do the weapons. Jump into fighting vehicles when the situation arises and send the insects crawling back to their holes. With online capabilities for four person co-op, players can also link up and play with friends to battle the bugs together, without fear of friendly fire.

For more information on this title and more, please visit Hudson Entertainment at www.hudsonent.com
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