
J'imagine que vous serez ravis d'apprendre que la version anglaise d'Alpha Prime est désormais disponible, moyennant fincances, sur le site de sprocket pour la modique somme de 25 €.

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L'annonce complète (anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Alpha Prime is a first-person shooting game with a strong storyline, and fast-paced action. It’s futuristic technologies alone make it something worth looking at. If you run out of ammunition or just don’t feel like wasting it you can use your RECON, a hacking device that enables you to control from a distance various devices you find on your way through the dark halls and corridors of Alpha Prime. Also, by injecting yourself with hubbardium, a psychotropic semi-poisonous substance, you develop bullet-time maneuvering which decelerates time to a sluggish pace to give you the advantage against your opponents.

And if that’s not enough the real-time physics algorithms are so advanced that they will truly make you feel like you‘re holding the gun!

For online distribution of Alpha Prime (Eng), IDEA Games chose to use www.Sprocketidea.com ,where you can find and download the computer games developed by members of IDEA games.
par utr_dragon Commenter
Partager | Source : Gamer's Hell

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